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4G5G mobile signal coverage scheme for curved tunnels, straight tunnels, long tunnels, and short tunnels

The installation of mobile phone signal amplifiers in tunnels mainly refers to the coverage of mobile phone signals solutions in major engineering projects such as railway tunnels, highway tunnels, submarine tunnels, subway tunnels, etc. Due to the fact that tunnels generally range from tens of meters to hundreds of meters underground and have a length of several thousand meters to tens of kilometers, the structure of tunnels is divided into curved tunnels, straight tunnels, long tunnels, and short tunnels, and the signal coverage methods of different structural tunnels are also different. The RF output port of each remote machine is connected to a two way power divider and then connected to two directional antennas. The two directional antennas are installed in reverse, and each antenna covers a distance of 500 meters. 10W fiber optic 4G mobile phone signal amplifier solves signal coverage issues.

fiber repeater

Tunnel 4G mobile phone signal coverage. Quickly solve the problem of difficult communication in tunnels and basements. Signal amplifiers and relay station equipment for long-distance professional engineering. Mobile Signal Relay Station # Mobile Signal Amplifier#

Original article, source: Lintratek mobile phone signal booster, reproduced must indicate the source!

Post time: Nov-02-2023

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